Why I Choose a Slower Life

Essential Self Care Habits to Combat Winter Blues
My home is rolled up in a thick blanket. I can see a smattering of lights though, like sun shining through holes in the cloth. My hands are cold as I type. We’re all tired.
So here they are. My essential self care habits to combat Winter blues. Some items may surprise you!

5 Ways I'm Simplifying My Life
Here are 5 ways to simplify your life. Living more simply is one of the best ways to reduce stress and feel more organised. Let’s go!

Mindfulness and Staying Present: A Wee Retreat from a Global Crisis
An interview with Vicky Hope, founder of Glasgow wellness centre “The Wee Retreat.”
From Brexit to the Covid 19 pandemic to the war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis, anxiety levels have soared. While mindfulness ad meditation doesn't solve the problems, it does help us to get through them.

The Scot’s Guide to Simple Living
How To Feel Calmer In 10 Minutes

Achieve Your Goals (Without Burning Out)
You Don’t Actually Find It Hard To Say No. Here’s Why.
The Secrets to Leading a Calm and Peaceful Life

Slow Travel Explained

Slow Home Design Explained

Slow Fashion Explained

Slow Beauty Explained

Slow Health Explained

Slow Food Explained

Slow Living: Pros & Cons

Slow Living Explained